Mother’s Day Reflections…

Mother’s Day is a day for children of all ages to give thanks to their Mother’s.  I am taking this time as an opportunity to thank those Mother’s in the workplace.  Your job is not easy.

For all of those children out there that believe their Mom’s have it easy, believe me they don’t.  They work their butts off to provide a good life and upbringing for their kids.  What is a Mother?

A Mother is…

A Friend
A Counselor
A Teacher
A Motivator
Your Biggest Fan
A Woman
A Provider
A Supporter
An Accountant
A Veterinarian
A Pediatrician
A Nutritionist
A Banker
A Judge, but never judgmental
Always there for you

There are so many things that a Mom is required to do outside of this list on a daily basis, that we as children forget all the little things our Mom’s do.  It is not until we get older, that we truly appreciate all that our Mom’s did for us, and unfortunately, for some by that time it is too late.

Never wait another day to tell your Mom you love her, trust me, they really like hearing this!

I would like to especially thank all of the Single Mom’s out there who not only have to do the list above but also have to play the role of Dad in their children’s life.  Single Mom’s never get a break.  For the most part, they are on call 24/7 365 days a year.

I see Single Mom’s struggle on a daily basis, and I wish there was more that could be done to assist them.  My hats off to you!!

Take the opportunity to thank a Mom for all they do, whether it is yours or someone else’s.  It was amazing how you can turn a frown, upside down when you wish someone a Happy Mother’s Day when they are working.  It is an opportunity to show a Mom, you do care about them, something a Mom rarely hears.

Happy Mother’s Day Mom!!